Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Constituency questions

Lara electorate

Lara electorate

Ella GEORGE (Lara) (14:48): (681) My question is for the Minister for Children, and I ask: how will the brand new Barwon Early Parenting Centre in North Geelong help families in the electorate of Lara and the wider Geelong community? It was an honour to officially open the new early parenting centre last week with my colleagues the member for Bellarine and the member for Geelong. This new facility is the eighth early parenting centre to open in Victoria – it will increase to 13 centres in the future – and it will be a great resource for families who need a little bit of extra help as they welcome children into their families. It is so important because, as we all know, no two journeys towards motherhood and raising children are ever the same. Special thanks to all those at Barwon Health who have worked hard to deliver this facility. It will make such a big difference to local families. Again I ask the minister: how will the brand new Barwon Early Parenting Centre in North Geelong help families in the electorate of Lara and the wider Geelong community?