Tuesday, 18 June 2024


Cambridge Reserve, Hoppers Crossing

Cambridge Reserve, Hoppers Crossing

Dylan WIGHT (Tarneit) (19:01): (702) My adjournment this evening is for the Minister for Environment, and the action I seek is that the minister update my constituents on the progress of the new Cambridge Reserve dog park in Hoppers Crossing. The Allan Labor government has shown a steadfast commitment to enhancing community spaces – particularly dog parks, which play a crucial role in the wellbeing of our residents and of course their pets. Following a promise made during the 2022 election the government has been working on delivering 14 new dog parks right across Victoria. Among these is a brand new dog park in Hoppers Crossing, which stands out as a highly anticipated addition to our thriving community. The announcement of this dog park has been met with great enthusiasm. It is one of the most popular commitments we have made in Hoppers Crossing, highlighting the deep bond people have with their pets. This facility will offer a safe, spacious environment where dogs can run freely and socialise, contributing to better health outcomes for pets and their owners. This park is not just about recreation but about creating local jobs during the construction phase and providing more opportunities for Victorians to enjoy the outdoors with their pets. I look forward to the response from the fantastic minister.