Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Middle East conflict
Middle East conflict
Katherine COPSEY (Southern Metropolitan) (09:52): I move, by leave:
That this house:
notes that since the Legislative Council’s resolution on 17 October 2023 concerning Israel and Gaza, which stated this house ‘stands with Israel’, the following has occurred:
in late October more than 1 million Palestinians in the north were advised to move south for their safety;
in January, Israel Defense Forces troops advanced into Khan Yunis, a southern area where Gazans had been told to evacuate;
(c) there are consequently about 1.4 million Palestinians now sheltering in Rafah under continual and increasing bombardment;
(2) recognises the statement by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk that he cannot see how a full-scale invasion of Rafah can be reconciled with international humanitarian law;
(3) does not support the state of Israel’s continued invasion of Gaza; and
(4) supports calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.
Leave refused.