Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: IDAHOBIT
Ministers statements: IDAHOBIT
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Housing, Minister for Water, Minister for Equality) (12:14): There are 800 players in the AFL – 800. I would like to ask the chamber a question: how many of those 800 players are openly gay, transgender or intersex? How many LGBTIQA+ people do we have who are open about who they are in the AFL? The reason that I ask that question is because I cannot think of any. The reason that I cannot think of any is another really important reason as to why this Friday, the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex Discrimination and Transphobia, remains so important. When we talk about the reasons for discrimination, for lesser life opportunities, for greater levels of mental distress, anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide, when we talk about denied opportunities and lack of access to programs, supports and services, it is very, very clear that we need to continue to support LGBTIQA+ people through days such as IDAHOBIT, which again recognises the World Health Organization’s decision, all too recently, to remove homosexuality from the diagnosis of diseases.
I want to acknowledge every single person and organisation who works so tirelessly to address disadvantage and discrimination. Sixty-eight per cent of LGBTIQA+ employees who responded to a survey in 2018 reported that they are not out at work. There are good reasons for this. Two out of three young people experienced abuse for their gender and sexuality in the last 12 months. Discrimination is all too common. IDAHOBIT is an important way to do something about it. I would urge everybody to get involved.