Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
Northern Metropolitan Region
Northern Metropolitan Region
Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:48): (857) My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and it concerns the actions of Yarra City Council in my electorate, who have decided to give every road a 30-kilometre speed limit and extend their trial, so all of Fitzroy and Collingwood are going to be slowed down. This ill-conceived trial extended into perpetuity will wreak havoc on communities in my electorate but also the broader city. The comments made by the Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police Shane Patton underscore the failures of this approach. His assertion that road fatalities are primarily occurring on rural roads, not inner-city streets, highlights the misguided nature of these trials. I ask the minister to provide an update on what her actions will be in regard to this and whether the minister can intervene. This is an ideological council that has had lots of monitors. It has increased its waste charge now by 30 per cent in a cost-of-living crisis. A trial applying to every single street in perpetuity is not a trial. It slows the rest of the state down, and the minister should intervene.