Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
Eastern Victoria Region
Eastern Victoria Region
Renee HEATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:52): (860) My question is for the Minister for Housing. A constituent of mine is one of hundreds of north-east Wonthaggi landowners who are affected by the retrospectively issued environmental audit overlay. She is in the final stages of building after years of delay. Weeks ago everything slowed down to a grind with the Minister for Planning’s approval to amend C152 and the subsequent actions by the Victorian Planning Authority, including their sudden announcement regarding soil contamination in their area, which many landowners were not notified of. My constituent is now told that even if the build is complete and she finds somebody willing to move in, with the remaining allegedly contaminated soil an occupancy certificate is not guaranteed. How can the minister explain such a massive blunder, affecting nearly 1100 acres, that is costing landowners so much money, including the current owners, whose property values will be devalued as a result?