Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
Southern Metropolitan Region
Southern Metropolitan Region
Katherine COPSEY (Southern Metropolitan) (12:53): (861) My constituency question today is to the Minister for Environment. In my electorate the Kew East Community Recycling group has outlined to me that it is next to impossible currently to recycle medicinal blister packs regularly. Blister packs are technically recyclable, but there is almost no funding available to make it happen in practice. Individuals, community groups and small businesses have paid as much as $277 to recycle just one set of 4000 packs, which is what you would find in a medium-sized box. It is also near impossible with current packaging practices to reduce blister pack use, as medicine is typically not a discretionary purchase, and most packs are currently ending up in landfill. State governments have primary responsibility for managing waste, and the Victorian government’s recycling target is to divert 75 per cent of waste by 2025 – next year. The Recycling Victoria Advisory Committee met for the first time in October 2023. Minister, can you please advise if that committee has addressed the issue of blister pack recycling?