Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
Western Victoria Region
Western Victoria Region
Joe McCRACKEN (Western Victoria) (12:55): (863) My constituency question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the question I ask is: why were there no significant road funding announcements in this last state budget? I look at the roads in my electorate, particularly the highways – the Princes Highway, the Western Highway, the Pyrenees Highway, the Midland Highway and even the Henty Highway – but no, none of them get any significant work, because all this budget seems to be framed about is Melbourne, if there is anything in it at all. I want to quote the chair of Rural Councils Victoria, Mary-Anne Thomas – not Mary-Anne Thomas, Mary-Ann Brown. Mary-Ann Brown has actually got an idea. Mary-Ann Brown, who is in my electorate, said:
It is becoming increasingly apparent the current way we are funding roads, particularly in rural and regional areas, no longer works.
Now, that is from a peak body that represents rural areas. Why won’t you guys listen and fund roads properly?