Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Members statements
Fitzroy Primary School
Members statements
Fitzroy Primary School
Enver ERDOGAN (Northern Metropolitan – Minister for Corrections, Minister for Youth Justice, Minister for Victim Support) (09:54): On budget day last week I had the opportunity to visit Fitzroy Primary School to share some exciting news. This year’s state budget will allocate an additional $6.6 million to deliver the second stage of the school’s master plan. Our government has recently delivered $9 million worth of upgrades to this heritage building on the George Street site of Fitzroy Primary. This included a new library, meeting rooms, a staff room and new classrooms for art, food, and science and technology. It was fantastic to see the students using this facility. These investments are crucial to support this growing bilingual French–English school in Melbourne’s inner north. I want to thank the acting school principal Nathan Moore for his leadership and dedication to the school community. I would also like to thank the school captain Isabella and vice-captains Abdulmalik and Rama for taking me on a tour around the school.