Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
Eastern Victoria Region
Eastern Victoria Region
Tom McINTOSH (Eastern Victoria) (12:54): (862) My question is for the Minister for Planning in the other place. I worked in construction for a decade, and when you walk into a building you can feel a quality build. That quality comes from trades that care for the work they do. In Victoria, when we build a home, a school, a hospital or a sports centre, Victorians want a building that will stand the test of time. In Eastern Victoria we are building incredible infrastructure, whether it is the Pakenham level crossing removal, the Latrobe Regional Hospital, the Korumburra community hub or the upgrades to the Rosebud Secondary College. Whilst the Liberals would have untrained workers doing 18-hour days with no safety equipment, the Labor Party knows a building built by trades with the right training, skills and qualifications is a finished product that meets everyone’s expectations. We all benefit when new builds are built well. The 2024–25 Victorian budget includes a $63 million investment for building reform. So, Minister, how is the government improving the oversight of the building industry?