Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Road maintenance
Road maintenance
Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) (19:04): (903) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, on behalf of constituents right across northern Victoria who want to know why the government has effectively cut road funding when our roads are in such a terrible mess. Along with the endless potholes that plague our regional roads, constituents are also reporting expensive damage to their vehicles. In some cases the repair bills run into the thousands of dollars. In this cost-of-living crisis these unexpected and unnecessary costs are adding extra stress to families across my electorate. I have also spoken with local transport operators, who are battling constant repair bills for their heavy vehicles. These ongoing costs add a large burden to the cost of doing business in Victoria.
I am very concerned that the state of our roads will deteriorate further following a 90 per cent reduction in road repairs this financial year. This comes after Labor failed to meet its road repair targets by 25 per cent last year. The state budget hides the true state of spending on road maintenance, with flood recovery works mixed in with annual maintenance programs. But the road asset management budget is still 16 per cent less for next year than it was four years ago. Labor is also reducing performance targets in the budget papers related to the quality of roads. Even the government’s own survey last year rated 91 per cent of roads as poor or very poor. I commend my Nationals colleague Annabelle Cleeland, who recently hosted several northern Victorian councils for an event with the National Transport Research Organisation. The NTRO takes an innovative approach to road maintenance and road safety, with the ability to provide insights into the technological advancements and environmental initiatives driving road standards. The councils heard about more sustainable and modern measures and testing approaches that can deliver both safer and more suitable approaches for the regions.
The Allan Labor government continues to demonstrate a lack of care for the state’s road network, particularly those in regional Victoria, accepting poor road standards that are generations behind other states. The action I seek is for the state government to increase the funding allocation to maintain and build our roads to a better standard and make up for years of neglect.