Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Richard WELCH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:57): (866) My question is to the Treasurer in the other place. Last night the Prime Minister and his Treasurer had to allocate $3.25 billion to the North East Link, bailing out yet another delinquent state project, but this bailout also reveals a total lack of confidence in the $216 billion Suburban Rail Loop by the federal Labor Party. Last night confirmed the absence of federal support for the Suburban Rail Loop East in my electorate, despite the Victorian government’s request for an additional $10 billion. The SRL faces a substantial funding shortfall now, exceeding $20 billion for just this first stage. Given these developments, can the Treasurer assure my constituents that the shortfall will not be met by any expansion of the already massive value capture component of the funding model – that is, that the shortfall will not be met by an expansion of the precinct in size, in height and in intended population beyond the 70,000 already proposed?