Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Members statements
Portland–Maroona rail line
Portland–Maroona rail line
Jacinta ERMACORA (Western Victoria) (10:03): I am very thrilled and excited to talk about today the Albanese Labor government’s $150 million commitment to the upgrade of the Maroona rail freight line in Western Victoria in my electorate. This has been a project that has been advocated for for the last 20 to 30 years, and I am just so thrilled. This is an absolute game changer for our region, and I am so proud that the Albanese Labor government, unlike predecessor governments for decades, have been able to come up with this project. This connects Portland to the national rail freight grid; it connects Portland to the international markets. It will create jobs. It will take us through the carbon neutrality journey. It will take trucks off the roads, it will save lives and it will mean much safer travel for communities in Western Victoria. I want to congratulate every single person over the last 20 or 30 years, including local government councillors that are long gone from their roles, who has sat at the Rail Freight Alliance table and given their time in advocating for this project. I also want to thank Senator Raff Ciccone and thank the advocacy of ministers Horne and Pearson in this government, all the other current councillors, including Greg Burgoyne, Matt Eryurek and Reid Mather, and all current members.