Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Members statements
National Volunteer Week
National Volunteer Week
Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) (10:05): This year the theme for National Volunteer Week is ‘Something for everyone’. I have met so many amazing volunteers across Northern Victoria. To our showgrounds committees for keeping community spirit alive and having events that we can look forward to: thank you. To committees of management maintaining public halls in regional areas for their working bees and for taking the bins out each week: thank you. To our CFA and SES volunteers, who put in countless hours of training and give so much, we say thank you. To our Landcare volunteers for the important work they do to improve our waterways and restore native vegetation: thank you. To those in sport, thank you to all those who volunteer as coaches, scorekeepers and in so many other ways. There is always a team supporting the team playing.
I also want to congratulate the Friends of Bendigo East Pool committee of management and the working group. They were given notice that the pool would close for winter, but they came together. I especially want to thank the City of Greater Bendigo for working with these volunteers to find a sustainable solution to keep the pool open.
To our volunteers in churches, neighbourhood houses, Foodshare and op shops, providing support for people who need it: thank you. I also want to acknowledge the work done by Bendigo Winter Night Shelter volunteers, who have provided meals and shelter for the homeless over many years. Thank you for your service.
Volunteering provides an opportunity to share your expertise and develop new skills, be part of a team and find joy in helping others. To all our volunteers, who are the backbone of our community, I want to say thank you.