Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Written responses
Written responses
The PRESIDENT (12:45): Minister Blandthorn is going to get answers from the Minister for Education for both of Mr Limbrick’s questions, and the same for Minister Symes, who will get Dr Mansfield answers to both her questions from the Premier. Minister Shing did offer, within the standing orders, to refer Mr Mulholland’s questions, but given that the questions were directed to her originally, I would prefer she does that outside the standing orders. If she is happy to get them in a hurry, that would be good. I am sure Mr Mulholland would appreciate it.
Evan Mulholland: On a point of order, President, in light of further information, I would like the minister’s answer to be taken into consideration on the next day of meeting. Also, in regard to the contact with Mr Riordan, it was referring him on to the Minister for Consumer Affairs, who has said that it is the responsibility of the Minister for Housing. So with that having come to light, I would like the minister’s answer to be taken into consideration on the next day of meeting.
The PRESIDENT: It is a bit late, but if you want to move it, just put the motion in a simple form.
Evan Mulholland: I move:
That the minister’s answer be taken into consideration on the next day of meeting.
Motion agreed to.
David Limbrick: On a point of order, President, I have two questions that I have not received answers to in accordance with the standing orders, and I would like an explanation, please. They are question 426, asked on 21 February 2024, to the Minister for Government Services via the Attorney-General, in regard to births, deaths and marriages, and also question 470, asked on 20 March 2024, to the Attorney-General, regarding the review of the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021.
Jaclyn Symes: On the point of order, President, I signed off on them this morning, so they will arrive shortly.
The PRESIDENT: That is the way this chamber works.