Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Constituency questions
South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Michael GALEA (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:47): (856) My constituency question is for the Deputy Premier in his capacity as the Minister for Education. Since it was established by the Labor government in 2016, $141.2 million has been invested in the school breakfast clubs program, with $69.5 million provided in the 2023–24 budget. More than 40 million healthy meals have been given to students across the state. This year’s budget provides funding for an additional 150 schools to be added to the program from the next financial year, with all schools invited to participate from July 2025. This program helps to ensure that every student can receive a nutritious and filling meal, because we know that kids learn best and can focus better when they have had a good breakfast. Indeed the same could be said to apply to all of us here. Minister, how will students in the South-Eastern Metropolitan Region benefit from the $21.1 million investment towards expanding the school breakfast clubs program in the 2024–25 Victorian budget?