Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
Northern Victoria Region
Northern Victoria Region
Rikkie-Lee TYRRELL (Northern Victoria) (12:59): (867) My question today is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety in the other place, also noting that she is the Minister for Local Government. Katamatite is a beautiful little town in my region of Northern Victoria. They are a wonderful community, who have worked very hard together to attract tourists by having their old silos painted, adding Katamatite to the growing silo art trail. However, constituents residing in and working in Katamatite must deal with the nasty stench on a daily basis coming from the poor drainage system in the main arterial road, Beek Street. Greywater from the homes and businesses backs up and lies in the gutters. The smell is horrendous and is affecting businesses and homes. The Moira Shire Council has stated that this is not within their jurisdiction. My constituents want to know, after almost 20 years of dealing with this and the local council and state government constantly passing the buck: will the minister commit to fixing the drainage system in Katamatite?